Booth, Alan. Japan: Land of Many Faces. Lincolnwood, IL:Passport, 1988.
Gr. 7+
This guidebook looks at the sights of each region of Japan,with a special emphasis on culture.
Bowring, Richard and Peter Kornicki. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1993.
Gr. 9+
Comprehensive coverage of the lands, peoples, history, politics, economics, religions, societies, and culture of Japan.
Cobb, Vicki. This Place is Crowded: Japan. Imagine Living Here. New York: Walker and Co, 1992.
Gr. 4-6
A picture book presentation of daily life in contemporary Japan.
De Mente, Boye. Everything Japanese. Lincolnwood, IL:Passport, 1987.
Gr. 7+
An introduction to Japanese culture, traditions, society, and government in a one-volume encyclopedia format.
Dolan, Ronald E. and Robert L Worden. Japan: A Country Study.5th edition. Area Handbook No. 550-30. Washington: United States Government Printing Office, 1992.
Gr. 9+
Presents the political, economic, social, and national security systems and institutions of Japan.
Downer, Lesley. Japan. Countries of the World. Hove: Wayland,1989.
Gr. 5+
The geography, wildlife, history, culture, industry, and government of Japan.
Greene, Carol. Japan. Enchantment of the World. Chicago:Childrens Press, 1983.
Gr. 5-8
The geography, history, people, government, and culture of Japan are introduced.
Japan. Toronto: Japan Information Centre, Consulate General of Japan, 1989.
Gr. 6+
An introduction to the geography, history, economy,government, people, and culture of Japan, with abundant color photographs.
Japan. Library of Nations. Alexandria, VA: Time-Life Books,1985.
Gr. 6+
An introduction to the geography, history, economy,government, people, and culture of Japan, with abundant color photographs.
Kalman, Bobbie. Japan: The Land. The Lands, Peoples, and Cultures Series. Toronto: Crabtree, 1989.
Gr. 5+
A brief introduction to the history and geography of Japan.
Kurian, George Thomas. Japan. Facts on File National Profiles.New York: Facts on File, 1990.
Gr. 9+
A survey of the industries, economy, and government of contemporary Japan, with useful statistical tables.
Omotani, Les. Two Roads to Japan. Edmonton: Plains Publishing,1988.
Gr. 6+
Visit Japan with Lorraine and Kenny and learn a few words of Japanese as you find out about daily life, history, and traditions in contemporary Japan.
Perkins, Dorothy. Encyclopedia of Japan: Japanese History and Culture, From Abacus to Zori. Roundtable Press Book.New York: Facts on File, 1991.
Gr. 9+
Comprehensive entries on many aspects of Japanese history,political figures, culture, industry, religion, traditions,customs, foods, language, and more.
Popham, Peter. Japan. Photographs by Ken Straiton.Our World in Colour. Hong Kong: The Guidebook Company, 1990.
Gr. 6+
Splendid color photographs introduce the land and people of Japan.
Spry-Leverton, Peter and Peter Kornicki. Japan. New York:Facts on File, 1988.
Gr. 9+
The history, daily life, culture, and technology of modern Japan are explored, with the help of excellent color photographs.
Stefoff, Rebecca. Japan. Places and Peoples of the World. NewYork: Chelsea House, 1988.
Gr. 5-7
The history, geography, government, people, and culture of Japan.